Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Erez Zohar

Photograph taken by Bruno Charbit
PROF. Erez Zohar
I am an associate professor at the Racah Institute of Physics, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. My research focuses on the interface between quantum many body theories and quantum information and optics, mostly in developing tools for dealing with strongly correlated systems and their application to particle physics. Besides that, I am generally interested in quantum mechanics, quantum field theory and mathematical physics.
November 2023:
Erez has won the ERC Consolidator Grant, given by the European Research Council, for the project OverSign - overcoming the sign problem in lattice gauge theories!
In our group, we aim at designing new tools, methods and approaches for solving difficult problems in many-body physics. On the process, we get to reconstruct physical models out of elementary ingredients (such as in the construction of tensor network states) or different building blocks (as in the design of a quantum simulator). In the process of reconstructing a theory from scratch, we get to learn a lot about it, to see it from new perspectives, to understand it better and to take it to new directions.
Gaz, E., Popov. P.P., Pardo, G., Lewenstein, M., Hauke, P. and Zohar, E., Quantum Simulation of non-Abelian Lattice Gauge Theories: a variational approach to D8, arXiv:2501.17863 (2025)
Kelman, A., Borla, U., Emonts, P. and Zohar, E., Projected Entangled Pair States for Lattice Gauge Theories with Dynamical Fermions, arXiv:2412.16951 (2024)
Roose G. and Zohar, E., Superposing and gauging fermionic Gaussian projected entangled pair states to get lattice gauge theory groundstates, arXiv:2412.01737 (2024)
Blanik, D., Garre-Rubio, J., Molnar, A. and Zohar, E., Internal structure of gauge-invariant Projected Entangled Pair States, arXiv:2410.18947 (2024)
Pardo, G., Bender, J., Katz,. N. and Zohar, E., Truncation-Free Quantum Simulation of Pure-Gauge Compact QED Using Josephson Arrays, arXiv:2410.11413 (2024)
Kelman, A., Borla, U., Gomelski, I, Elyovich, J., Roose, G., Emonts, P. and Zohar, E., Gauged Gaussian PEPS - A High Dimensional Tensor Network Formulation for Lattice Gauge Theories, Phys. Rev. D 110, 054511 (2024)