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Given at the workshop Tensor Networks: Mathematical Structures and Novel Algorithms at the Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics, Vienna, Austria
Took place on Monday, 3.10.2022

Quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories - requirements, challenges and methods
Given at the workshop Quantum Simulation and Algorithms with Superconducting Qubits in Kfar Blum, Israel
Took place on Wednesday, 14.9.2022

Quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories - requirements, challenges and methods
Given at the workshop Nonperturbative and Numerical Approaches to Quantum Gravity, String Theory, and Holography at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore, India
Took place on Thursday, 1.9.2022

Gauged gaussian fermionic PEPS
part of the Tensor Networks in High Energy lecture series of the Albert Einstein Institute in Potsdam.
Took place on Thursday, 9.12.2021

Absorbing fermionic statistics by lattice gauge fields and eliminating fermions

part of the Tensor Networks in High Energy lecture series of the Albert Einstein Institute in Potsdam.

Took place on Thursday, 23.7.2020

PEPS with a local (gauge) symmetry- studying lattice gauge theories with tensor networks in d > 1+1

a talk given at the Workshop Tensor Networks: from Simulation to Holography II at DESY, Zeuthen, Germany, in March 2019.

Quantum Simulators: general audience lecture, in Hebrew

given at the Tel Aviv University Astroclub in Januray 2020

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